Air Quality Criteria for Lead (First External Review Draft)
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Background:The Clean Air Act mandates periodic review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants, also referred to as criteria pollutants, including lead. Under the review process, EPA's Office of Research and Development develops a criteria document -- a compilation and evaluation by U.S. EPA scientific staff and other expert authors of the latest scientific knowledge useful in assessing the health and welfare effects of the air pollutant. In this case, the Lead Criteria Document presents the latest available pertinent information on atmospheric science, air quality, exposure, dosimetry, health effects, and environmental effects of lead. In developing criteria documents, EPA must consider the advice of CASAC.
The following is a brief history of the development of the Air Quality Criteria for Lead.
- 2004 - EPA begins the mandated periodic revision of the Lead Criteria Document.
- 2005 - CASAC and the public review and comment on the Project Work Plan for the document. (See Related Entries).
- 2005 - EPA conducts peer consultative workshops in August 2005.
- 2005 - EPA releases the first external review draft of the Lead Criteria Document (see Downloads)
CASAC will hold a public meeting to review the second external review draft of the Air Quality Criteria Document for Lead in March 2006. A Federal Register Notice will announce the date of the meeting and its location. EPA will then review their feedback and recommendations with plans to publish the second external review draft by May 2006.
See descriptionCitation
U.S. EPA. Air Quality Criteria for Lead (First External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-05/144aA-bA, 2005.Download(s)
- AQC for Lead External Review Draft - Volume II (PDF) (480 pp, 4.1 MB, about PDF)
- AQC for Lead External Review Draft - Volume I (PDF) (1268 pp, 15.7 MB, about PDF)