Summary Of The EPA(NCEA) Colloquium On Current Use And Future Needs Of Genomics In Ecological And Human Health Risk Assessment (Final Report, 2006)
A colloquium was held on May 8, 2003, in Alexandria Virginia to bring together EPA risk assessors, scientists, and managers in the Program Offices and Regions, as well as laboratory scientists within the Office of Research and Development who are currently developing genomics techniques, to discuss the potential use of genomics data in risk assessments.
The two goals of the colloquium were to identify: 1) how genomics data may improve risk assessment and, 2) what the current and future needs of EPA Program and Regional Offices are regarding the area of genomics (e.g., tools, data, case studies). The colloquium was an internal EPA meeting that was held to explore the use of genomics in human health and ecological risk assessment. The colloquium report summarizes discussions that took place at the colloquium and has not been peer-reviewed.
Since one of the roles of NCEA is to develop and improve methods for EPA risk assessment, and genomics information is rapidly improving and increasing, a need was identified to assess the current thinking about the use of genomics data in risk assessment within EPA.
The two goals of the colloquium were to identify: 1) how genomics data may improve risk assessment and, 2) what the current and future needs of EPA Program and Regional Offices are regarding the area of genomics (e.g., tools, data, case studies). The colloquium was an internal EPA meeting that was held to explore the use of genomics in human health and ecological risk assessment. The colloquium report summarizes discussions that took place at the colloquium and has not been peer-reviewed.
Since one of the roles of NCEA is to develop and improve methods for EPA risk assessment, and genomics information is rapidly improving and increasing, a need was identified to assess the current thinking about the use of genomics data in risk assessment within EPA.
The colloquium was an internal EPA meeting that was held to explore the use of genomics in human health and ecological risk assessment.Citation
U.S. EPA. Summary Of The EPA(NCEA) Colloquium On Current Use And Future Needs Of Genomics In Ecological And Human Health Risk Assessment (Final Report, 2006). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/R-04/039.History/Chronology
Date | Description |
01- May 2003 | 1 day Colloquium held in Alexandria, VA |
02- Aug 2003 | Report from colloquium is written. |
03- Mar 2006 | Colloquium report cleared to put on the web. |
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