Freshwater Biological Traits Database (Final Report)
EPA announced the release of the final report, Freshwater Biological Traits Database. This report discusses the development of a database of freshwater biological traits. The database combines several existing traits databases into an online format. The database is also augmented with additional traits that are relevant to detecting climate change-related effects, especially traits related to temperature tolerances and flow.
This report and the Freshwater Biological Traits Database are intended for resource managers and scientists working on biological indicators, bioassessment, biomonitoring, and biocriteria, particularly in the EPA’s Office of Water and Regions, and also at state agencies and universities.
This report and the Freshwater Biological Traits Database are intended for resource managers and scientists working on biological indicators, bioassessment, biomonitoring, and biocriteria, particularly in the EPA’s Office of Water and Regions, and also at state agencies and universities.
Supporting document for Implications of Climate Change for Bioassessment Programs and Approaches to Account for Effects.Citation
U.S. EPA. Freshwater Biological Traits Database (Final Report). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-11/038F, 2012.History/Chronology
Date | Description |
01- Aug 2009 | EPA performed an internal review of the draft report. Then held regional workshops and discussed traits database. |
02- Apr 2011 | EPA released the external review draft report for public review and comment. |
03- Aug 2012 | EPA released the final report and Traits database. |
This download(s) is distributed solely for the purpose of pre-dissemination peer review under applicable information quality guidelines. It has not been formally disseminated by EPA. It does not represent and should not be construed to represent any Agency determination or policy.
- Freshwater Biological Traits Database Final Report (PDF) (99 pp, 1.2 MB, about PDF)
- Freshwater Biological Traits Database (without Appendices) (PDF) (16 pp, 182.6 KB, about PDF)
- 1. FBTD, Appendix A: List of Cold- and Warm-Water Preference Taxa (PDF) (11 pp, 162.1 KB, about PDF)
- 2. FBTD, Appendix B: Data Integration Rules (PDF) (22 pp, 431.6 KB, about PDF)
- 3. FBTD, Appendix C: Traits Gap Analysis (PDF) (21 pp, 244.1 KB, about PDF)
- 4. FBTD, Appendix D: List of Traits and Associated Metadata (PDF) (11 pp, 141.6 KB, about PDF)
- 5. FBTD, Appendix E: Instructions on using the Freshwater Biological Traits Database (PDF) (16 pp, 374.0 KB, about PDF)