Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center FY18 Annual Report
The primary goal of the Superfund Human Health Risk Technical Support Center (STSC) is to provide scientific technical support in the area of human health risk assessments for the Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), state, and regional partners. The STSC is operated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) Office of Research and Development’s (ORD’s) National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Clients of the STSC are scientific staff supporting the Superfund program. Specific clients include EPA regional scientists and risk managers, authorized contractors, state scientists, and others. The STSC performs two general functions to support the Superfund program: (1) preparation and distribution of Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) assessments and (2) scientific/technical consultations in support of states, EPA regional scientists, and associates regarding issues related to contaminated sites. These reports provides an overview of these functions of the STSC and a small selection of technical responses are provided in each annual report.
The STSC is one of five active technical support centers (TSCs) established as part of the Technical Support Project (TSP) partnership. In 1987, OLEM (formerly the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response [OSWER]), Regional Superfund Office, and ORD established the Superfund TSP to provide technical assistance to regional remedial project managers (RPMs) and on scene coordinators. The TSP consists of a network of regional forums, the Environmental Response Team, and specialized TSCs. Each TSC has a specific focus of expertise and is dedicated to serving the EPA and its clients by supplying high quality, quick response, technical support services for contaminated sites.Clients of the STSC are scientific staff supporting the Superfund program. Specific clients include EPA regional scientists and risk managers, authorized contractors, state scientists, and others. The STSC performs two general functions to support the Superfund program: (1) preparation and distribution of Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) assessments and (2) scientific/technical consultations in support of states, EPA regional scientists, and associates regarding issues related to contaminated sites. These reports provides an overview of these functions of the STSC and a small selection of technical responses are provided in each annual report.
The primary goal of the Superfund Human Health Risk Technical Support Center (STSC) is to provide scientific technical support in the area of human health risk assessments for the Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), state, and regional partners. The STSC performs two general functions to support the Superfund program: (1) preparation and distribution of Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) assessments and (2) scientific/technical consultations in support of states, EPA regional scientists, and associates regarding issues related to contaminated sites. This report provides an overview of these functions of the STSC and a small selection of technical responses are provided in each annual report. This is intended to inform the public, Remedial Project Managers, On Scene Coordinators, and Superfund Technology Liaisons of progress at the Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center (STSC) involved sites, cutting edge approaches, and STSC operations.Citation
U.S. EPA. Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center FY18 Annual Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-19/161, 2019.Download(s)
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