Chapter 36 - Brominated Flame Retardants
This chapter covers both developmental and reproductive effects of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) with emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). BFRs belong to a large group of organohalogen chemicals. They are highly persistent, bioaccumulative, and cause adverse effects in humans and wildlife. Although some BFRs are banned or voluntarily withdrawn from usage by the manufacturer, emerging and existing BFRs continue to be used in industrialized countries. Because of the widespread use and large quantities of these chemicals in consumer products and household items, indoor contamination is proposed to be a significant source of human exposure. Other exposure routes are oral—both via breast milk, fat-containing foods, hand-to-mouth activity, etc. Recent epidemiological studies clearly indicated that BFRs affect human health. The human health effects include cryptorchidism, alterations in thyroid hormone homeostasis, reproductive effects, and reduced development of children at school age that include psychomotor development index and IQ performance. Studies have also indicated that the infant daily exposure dose of PBDEs due to inhalation, accidental oral ingestion, and dermal absorption of house dust was significantly higher than that of the adults. Many rodent studies have confirmed that developmental exposure to these compounds should be limited to protect human health. Studies in rodents indicated that several BFRs are developmental neurotoxicants affecting the nervous system growth and function. Several studies have also confirmed that the BFRs are indeed endocrine disruptors, with the potential to disrupt male and female reproductive development and adult reproductive function by having antiandrogenic actions (males) and by altering steroidogenic activities. This has been demonstrated in several in vivo studies using rodent models and by in vivo systems to determine effects on receptor binding (AR and PXR) and on steroidogenesis. These potential modes of action may be relevant to humans. This is incredibly important to consider as there have been several reports of adverse health consequences associated with increased PBDE exposure in humans in the last few years. Further research is needed to determine the long-term adverse consequences of exposures to the BFRs described herein as well as a number of emerging replacement chemicals coming onto the market, as these compounds are known to bioaccumulate and can be transplacentally and lactationally transferred.