Multipollutant Reduction Simulation of BMPs with VELMA
This presentation focuses on Puget Sound applications of the U.S. EPA’s VELMA ecohydrological model for identifying watershed BMPs for reducing various pollutants impacting freshwater and marine water quality endpoints of concern. The presentation is one of six workshop presentations contributing to an EPA Region 10 workshop. Topics to be explored include multipollutant reduction modeling/approaches; barriers to enhanced non-point source reduction; nutrient criteria development and translation; and vulnerability to HABs.
· The intent of this EPA Region 10 workshop is to bring together federal, state, and tribal water quality scientists and managers to share and discuss research and management practices for reducing impacts of multiple pollutants on regional freshwater and marine water resources.Citation
McKane, Bob, J. Halama, V. Phan, A. Brookes, AND K. Djang. Multipollutant Reduction Simulation of BMPs with VELMA. To be presented at EPA Region 10 EPA Region 10 Virtual Roundtable Workshop on Nutrients, N/A, Virtual, May 03, 2022.Download(s)
- Multipollutant Reduction Simulation of BMPs with VELMA (PDF) (27 pp, 12.9 MB, about PDF)