Strategies for reducing uncertainties in modeled urban stormwater runoff and contaminant loads in Puget Sound nearshore streams
The University of Washington Tacoma is facilitating ten scientific workshops over the next year to bring together for utilities, environmental community-based organizations, scientists, state and federal agencies, and the Tribes to discuss technical uncertainties related to terrestrial and marine nutrient management and water quality. These workshops build on previous discussions such as Ecology’s Nutrient Forum and on the uncertainties in the forthcoming Puget Sound Marine Water Quality Implementation Strategy to dig deeper into identified challenges such as the interannual variability of ocean influences on the Salish Sea.
The 7/26/2022 kickoff workshop will focus on the “Science of Puget Sound Water Quality”. Bob McKane with EPA-ORD's Pacific Ecological Systems Division will contribute a talk on "Strategies for reducing uncertainties in modeled urban stormwater runoff and contaminant loads in Puget Sound nearshore streams"