An Assessment of Persistent Organic Compounds and PFAS for Consumption of Restored Anadromous Fish
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USEPA, in collaboration with the Penobscot Indian Nation’s Department of Natural Resources (PINDNR) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), assessed the safety of human and wildlife consumption of six species of anadromous fish: Alewife, American Shad, Blueback Herring, Rainbow Smelt, Striped Bass, and Sea Lamprey plus roe from American Shad. In 2017 and 2018, PINDNR collected, filleted, froze, and shipped fish to the analytical laboratory. Fillets were analyzed by the EPA Cincinnati laboratory for PCBs, PBDEs, and dioxins/furans, and PFAS compounds by Battelle. An assessment of the organic contaminant levels in these fish was compared to reference doses (where possible) as established in the US Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and wildlife values. The concentrations for both years combined for PCBs ranged between 6.38 µg/kg ww in roe– 100 µg/kg ww in Striped Bass: PBDEs ranged between 0.855 µg/kg ww in roe– 5.54 µg/kg ww in Rainbow Smelt; dioxins/furans ranged between 0.044 µg/kg ww in roe – 0.22 µg/kg ww in Striped Bass for all species. PFAS concentrations varied by the specific compound for each species. The concentrations ranged between 1.18 µg/kg ww of PFOSA in Striped Bass to 8.59 µg/kg ww of PFOS in Sea Lamprey. Health consultation calculations revealed an exposure issue with dioxin/furans, so the Penobscot Nation was advised not to consume the anadromous fish tested at more than 10 oz/month for anyone > 8 years of age and no consumption of Striped Bass. The wildlife value for minks for total PCBs of 72 µg/kg was exceeded in 2017 and 2018 Striped Bass; for PBDEs Kestrel wildlife value of 8.7 µg/kg had no exceedances. Wildlife values for PFOS only were found from New Jersey (NJ) (3.9 ng/g) and California (CA) (4.6 ng/g for mammalian, 8.2 ng/g avian) and were exceeded in 2017 by Blueback Herring and Sea Lamprey (NJ) and Sea Lamprey (CA mammalian and avian); in 2018 by American Shad roe and Sea Lamprey (NJ, CA mammalian) indicating potential risks to wildlife consuming these fish. The results were presented to the Penobscot Nation in a public health consultation prepared by ATSDR. This collaborative effort, including the exchange of sound, scientific and technical expertise, has resulted in a partnership that has enhanced our government-to government relationship with the Penobscot Nation and improved public health policies for the community directly impacted.