SMaRT Search – Scientific Models and Research Tools
Scientist and technical staff in State environmental agencies will now know about SMaRT so they can easily identify the tools and models that meet their environmental and public health research needs. Search results are displayed in an easy-to-read format in a table utilizing a consistent format showing the name of the tool, a description of including the audience and topic or topics that the tool addresses. Users can get more information about the tool by viewing more information and download the tool or tools of interest. Tools in SMaRT allows scientists and researchers to conduct analysis for their work.
EPA Science Models and Research Tools (SMaRT) Search is a searchable inventory of freely available models, tools, and databases and other applications from EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). Users can find a tool or list of tools by using a simple search typing in key words or by using the Advanced Search Feature to filter the results by Environmental Topic, Platform or Application Type. Search results are displayed in an easy-to-read format in a table utilizing a consistent format showing the name of the tool, a description of including the audience and topic or topics that the tool addresses. Users can get more information about the tool by viewing more information and download the tool or tools of interest. Tools in SMaRT allows scientists and researchers to conduct analysis for their work.Citation
Brookes, A. AND J. Kapuscinski. SMaRT Search – Scientific Models and Research Tools. SMaRT – Scientific Models and Research Tools, NA, OR, September 28, 2021.Download(s)