Subsistence Seafood and Aquatic Biota Consumption Rate Systematic Review for SRA 2022
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Staff at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Research and Development (ORD), Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA), are collaborating with other EPA program offices and regions as well as various tribal partners to conduct a systematic literature review utilizing major databases and gray literature sources to obtain the latest information pertaining to subsistence fish consumption rates. The review is designed to capture consumption rate data for freshwater and marine species of fish and shellfish, and aquatic plants and mammals, that are eaten by subsistence populations.
The consumption data resulting from this systematic review is envisioned to support development of assessments including, but not limited to, state and tribal water quality standards, CERCLA/RCRA human health assessments, and TSCA Chemical Evaluations.
This presentation overviews the systematic review approaches used to collect and screen over 11,878 references, evidence mapping results (i.e., the number of included and excluded references), as well as the status and application of extracted data.