Characterizing Developmental and Reproductive Hazards Using Rapid Review Tools
Systematic evidence maps, scoping reviews, and fit-for-purpose assessments are increasingly used by environmental health scientists as pioneering tools to characterize the health and toxicological effects of various environmental chemicals. These rapid review approaches and tools can address various research needs and goals related to chemical hazard identification while typically being less time- and resource-intensive compared to traditional systematic reviews. Furthermore, a rapid compilation of new information or updates to existing information is useful in a pre-decisional regulatory context and can help to identify data gaps. This symposium will explore how the assessment of developmental and reproductive hazards can be informed using these novel methods through a series of case examples. Each speaker will explore the use of tools and cutting edge interactive visualization approaches to support the workflow and develop timely products that inform human health hazard evaluation of reproductive and developmental effects, chemical prioritization, chemical grouping methods, or other research needs.