Examining modification of associations between air pollution exposure and low birth weight status by pre-pregnancy BMI in a North Carolina live birth cohort for 2011-2015.
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Low birth weight (LBW) is an indicator of fetal underdevelopment and a risk factor for future health issues. Researchers using animal models have identified interactions between gestational dietary intake and air pollutant exposures and birth weight. We utilized North Carolina birth certificate data (n = 465,797) to examine potential modification of the association between air pollution and term low birth weight (LBW, 30 BMI strata (RD 26-50), while the 20-25 BMI stratum was null (0 (-24, 25)). Prepregnancy BMI may be an effect measure modifier for ozone-LBW associations with 1st trimester exposures. Among gestational parents within specific BMI categories, associations were largely null for ozone and PM2.5 in the first trimester. This abstract does not reflect EPA policy.