Supporting State Science Needs through ORD’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Research Program
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This is a requested presentation for the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) that discusses how ORD is the research arm of the EPA and provides the scientific foundation for EPA to execute its mandate to protect human health and the environment. An overview of the 6 national research programs is given and how we engage with States, territorial partners and other partnership groups. The SSWR research portfolio is highlighted focusing on current research efforts that are most relevant to ACWA's interests. Specific areas of interest include water quality modeling, microplastics, harmful algae blooms, nutrients and PFAS. Several products within the Watersheds research topic are covered including analytical methods to support recreational water quality criteria, human health risk and water quality predictive modeling tools to support recreational water quality criteria, and the ecological health effects of micro- and nanoplastics. Highlights in the Nutrients and Harmful Algae Blooms research topic include forecasting freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, benthic cyanobacteria research for preventing adverse health outcomes, national watershed nutrient inventories, modeling to assess nutrient-related stressors and ecosystem recovery, and nutrient reduction program design and implementation. In the Water Treatment and Infrastructure research topic, PFAS is highlighted, specifically analytical methods for PFAS in drinking water, wastewater and environmental samples and site and source characterization of PFAS in water. In addition, this talk highlights several training and outreach opportunities available to the public through our research webinars.