Considering Air Quality to Preserve Health and Wellbeing among Patients Enrolled in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
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A high attributable health burden is associated with ambient PM exposure. Particle pollution increases short- and long-term cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Improvements in air pollution levels reduce health impacts and increase life expectancy. Many regions of U.S. fail to meet EPA standards - >100 million exposed. EPA is working with the States to help communities meet NAAQS.
Older-people, those with pre-existing heart and lung disease, and diabetes are at higher risk from air pollution. High-risk patients should be educated about risks of air pollution and educated about measures to reduce exposure. Decreased short-term exposure in high patients is predicted to mitigate adverse health effects in high-risk individuals. Randomized controlled trials are needed to prove effectiveness of interventions to reduce exposure. Health risks need to be addressed through integrated efforts of public health and health care at the community and individual level. More effective health communication strategies are needed to encourage health protective behaviors.