Real Time Mass Spectrometry and Potential Uses for Regional, State, Local and Tribal Air Quality Managers in Region 10
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Advancements in Real-Time Mass-Spectrometry (RT-MS) have enabled atmospheric researchers to better capture process-oriented chemistry in the atmosphere furthering our understanding of pollution formation. These improvements in Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry have benefited the fields of Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technologies as well as Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) with better resolution and faster data acquisition. We will present the RT-MS instruments included in the Western Enhanced Air quality VEhicle for COmmunity Monitoring (WEAVE COM) and discuss their capabilities, operation and data. Finally, we will present on how we plan to use research-grade instrument bridge the gap between science and policy at the regional level with examples from our inaugural wintertime deployment to the Yakima Valley in Washington State.